Thursday, October 28, 2010

Norwalk Cattle Egret

I stopped by Norwalks Veteran's Park this afternoon to have a look around the shoreline, I notice a few dozen gulls sitting on the grass lawn near the southern edge of the park, plus a number of Canada Geese at bit north of them, I pulled into a parking space to get a look at the geese.
My eyes quickly wandered back to the gulls, huh! that's quite a few egrets hanging out with the gulls, small ones too, Snowy's? nah, can't be, Greats? to small...
Holy Cowchips Batman! They are all Cattle Egret, I lift the bins to my eyes and counted, 1, 2, 5, 9...13
Thirteen birds, a really nice number for Norwalk CT, in fact, I had never seen one in Norwalk before.
I've seen  an occasional single bird in Westport and other areas of the state, I thought this was an impressive sight for Norwalk, I drove back home to grab my camera.
Something was missing.. the Cattle? 

When I returned, they were still there. In fact one more joined the group, to make it fourteen.
This one had it's stern (nautical term for rear end) to the wind, makes for a nice feather ruffle
Since they were somewhat scattered about, I couldn't get them all in the same frame.
Cool lineup though?
I still can't fit them into the frame, but here are eleven.
A flight shot, that is the Vet's Park Transient Dock, with Sono Water St. area in the background.

This shot shows the 14 egret in flight, click on it to enlarge.
They were still there when I left around 4:30, feeding on the grass lawn where I originally found them

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